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Yaolinghe Formation
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Yaolinghe Fm base reconstruction

Yaolinghe Fm


Age Interval: 
Nanhuan (Cryogenian), Nh (42, 43)

Shaanxi, Hubei, Henan, Sichuan

Type Locality and Naming

Southeast Shaanxi. The Yaolinghe Fm was named by the Party of Qinling Regional Geological Surveying, Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources in 1959. The naming section is in Yaolinghe area, Shangnan County, Shaanxi Province.

Synonym: (耀岭河组)

Lithology and Thickness

The original definition of the formation is a suite of metamorphosed eruptive rocks-green schist rocks, which is subdivided into two parts. Lower part consists of chlorite ortho-schist and chlorite albite ortho-schist, albite hornblendite; chlorite ortho-schist and green schist interbedded with sericite albite schist. Upper part is composed of green schist-like actinolite epidote schist, albite chlorite schist with marble, carbonaceous schist with minor conglomerate. The formation in the naming section is 500 m thick.

However, later study shows that the formation is a suite of unstable interbeddings of marine metamorphosed volcanic rocks and clastic rocks. The volcanic rocks are mainly spilite with spilitic breccia, ignimbrite and sericite schist with clastic rocks (conglomerate, sandstone or quartzite, magnetite quartzite) and minor marble or limestone. The volcanic and clastic rocks change considerably in lithology and thickness along the strike. In the Shangnan and Zhaochuan area, it consists mainly of green schist with marble and magnetite quartzite and is over 1828 m thick. Going westward, in Zhougcun of Shanyang, it consists of schistose crystal tuff, 500 m thick. In Shanyang area, it is gray green, purple red intermediate-basic volcanic rocks with rhyolite and tuff, over 300 m thick. In Xixia, Henan Province, it consists mainly of spilite with spilitic lava breccia, tuff, hematite sericite quartz schist and volcanic breccia, 1500-2600 m thick. In Niushan, Ankang area, it consists of spilite and intermediate basic volcaniclastic rocks, over 713 m thick. In Ziyang-Pingli area, it consists of metamorphosed spilite and intermediate basic to intermediate-acidic volcaniclastic rocks, 775 m thick. There are commonly unstable interbeds of quartzite and conglomerate, with the conglomerate considered by some to be of glacial origin (Liu Hongyun, 1991, Wang Shouqiong, 1990). Therefore, the thickness of the variable formation ranges from 300 to 2600 m.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The Formation is unconformable or disconformable with underlying Yunxi Gr (or Wudangshan Gr).

Upper contact

The top is unconformably or disconformably overlain by the Doushantuo Fm (or coeval Chahe Fm). But, in most area, the contact surfaces were destroyed by later faults.

Regional extent

Shaanxi-Hubei-Henan-Sichuan border regions, Wudang Mtns. The formation is well distributed from Shaanxi (Shangnan, Zhaochuan, Ankang, Baihe, Pingli) eastwards to Henan (Sishanmiao of Xichuan, Tangzigou of Neixiang and Xixia), southwards to Hubei (Yunxian, Nanhuatang, and Wudang Mountain area), and southwestwards, exposed intermittently in northeast part of Sichuan Province.





There are many isotopic dates from the Yaolinghe Formation, such as: 730 Ma, 690 Ma (spilite whole rock), 795 Ma (sericite schist) by zircon U-Pb; 1070±61 Ma, 796±79 Ma by Pb-Pb. The lower limit is at 1000 Ma, and the upper limit is at 700 Ma. Therefore, the Yaolinghe Formation is roughly within the Qingbaikouan-Nanhuan systems.Shown as Nanhuan (Cryogenian) on schematic stratigraphic column (used here), with the underlying Yunxi Gr shown as extending through much of the Qingbaikouan.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Extracts from The Neoproterozoic Erathem (chapter in Stratigraphic Lexicon of China, draft of 2022) by Gao Linzhi, Ding Xiaozhong, Zhang Chuanheng, Zhang Heng.